Fazenda Agronol controls the full production cycle of papayas from the Formosa, Sunrise and Golden varieties. Our quality control system ensures perfect ripeness and high sanitary standards allied to a flavor second-to-none.

A pioneer in the export of the Formosa papaya, Fazenda Agronol is the largest and most reliable exporter of this variety, offering year-round availability. This fruit, with weight varying between 1.2 and 1.5 kg (2.6 to 3.3 lbs), presents a firm and abundant pulp, with superb flavor, ideal to be consumed fresh. This variety of papaya can be blended with lime, orange or milk to prepare exquisite fruit shakes Agronol's papaya is also supplied to the catering, restaurant and hotel industries.

The Sunrise papaya is distinguished by a reddish succulence pulp. This variety weighs between 440 and 580 g (1 to 1.3 lbs) and has an excellent brix grade. The fruit combines great taste and health benefits with its excellent nutritional value and digestive properties. Papaya can be consumed as fresh fruit as well as the main ingredient in delicious desserts. Please see recipe below.

Recipe: Papaya Cream
Ingredients: ½ sunrise papaya, 2 tablespoons of vanilla ice cream, Crème de Cassis.
Preparation: Remove seeds and skin of the papaya; beat the pulp with ice cream in blender until creamy. Serve in glass cup covered with Crème de Cassis.